Sunday Sips: Talks About the Culture with Kala and Desi

Are We Cultural Feminists?

Kala and Desi Season 1 Episode 8

Kala and Desi begin episode 8 drinking Apothic Rosé to support a wine company owned by women. After talking through the highs and lows from the past few days in the segment " Incase You Haven't Heard", the two women begin their conversation on feminism talking through different definitions of feminism and which one they connect with most. After talking through the ideals of feminism, Kala and Desi share their opinions on what they believe has been holding our country back form equal rights for women. With discussion points ranging from bias in the workplace, to roadblocks in politics (and even the Lifetime Movie Network), you will be sure to hear both women's raw reactions to how White Dominate Culture and 'The Patriarchy' are to blame for literally everything. Along with talking through oppressive systems for women, Kala and Desi also talk though intersectionality and how true feminists need to show up for ALL WOMEN and not just women that share our same intersections in identity. While talks may feel heavy at times, Kala and Desi find ways to sneak in encouragement and laughs as the rosé kicks in!